by ZyeX | Oct 7, 2016 | Blog of Zyex
總結 有效增加骨頭密度 有效預防及治療初期骨骼疏鬆症 有效預防老年人跌倒 有效增強肌力 促進肢體平衡 改善姿勢 減少脂肪堆積 Conclusion Increases bone mineral density Is a viable solution to reverse bone loss and to eliminate osteoporosis Is an accessible training tool to help many populations prevent falls...
by ZyeX | Jul 8, 2016 | Blog of Zyex
一般有效的肌力訓練需要一個小時半, 而Power Plate® 只需要半個小時一樣可以達到同樣顯著的效果。 Normal fitness training needs one and half hour to achieve significance Increase muscle mass and strength. Now Power Plate® just need half an hour of training also can achieve same...