Risser Sign是脊椎成熟度的一個指標,如果一位小朋友檢查發覺有脊椎側彎,我們可以由此判定這位小朋友是否還是處於發育的時期,到底是處在發育早期或晚期,透過不同脊椎側彎角度的大小及發育的早期或晚期,可以讓我們預測這位小朋友脊椎側彎惡化的機率到底多大。 一般脊椎成熟度會分為五期,把髂嵴的上方會分為四等分,當脊椎開始慢慢成熟的時候,髂嵴的上方有開始出現白色的鈣化,當白色鈣化覆蓋的區域在不同的等分,就會被稱作第幾期,當上方的鈣化與髂嵴完全密合,就代表脊椎發育完畢。 Skeletal maturity is an important factor in scoliosis because progression will slow or end (unless scoliosis is severe) when vertebral growth is finished. Appearance of a growth plate at the top of the pelvis are important indicators of skeletal maturity define as Risser sign. The Risser sign is seen as a white …