Tag: children

脊椎側彎之【錯失治療脊椎側彎的實例】【Case of Scoliosis】

脊椎側彎實例: 由於一些家長對脊椎側彎的認知有限, 這也是為何他們的小朋友錯過了治療的最佳時機。 所謂的最佳時機就是在發育中的小朋友, 因為發育是骨骼成長的時期,也是造成脊椎側彎進一步惡化的快速時期, 錯過了就會像以下的小朋友一樣,就在1年1個月的時間內, Scoliosis case: Many parents are less aware of scoliosis, That’s why their children missed the best time for treatment. The Golden Age of non Surgical Scoliosis Treatment should start as fast as possible, especially before their growth period start. Because the deteriorate of Scoliosis is during the bone growth …

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