中風之【治療黃金六個月】Stroke【Important Principles of Rehabilitation】
by ZyeX | Aug 12, 2016 | Blog of Zyex |
Neurological Recovery
Neurological recovery is defined as recovery of neurological impairments and is often the result of brain recovery/reorganization; it has been increasingly recognized as being influenced by rehabilitation.
The majority of neurological recovery occurs within the first 1-3 months.
Afterwards recovery may occur much more slowly for up to one year or more.
Spontaneous Neurological Recovery
Neurological deficits resulting from a stroke are often referred to as impairments. These are determined primarily by the site and extent of the stroke.
As a general rule, the severity of the initial deficit is inversely proportional to the prognosis for recovery.
Most spontaneous recovery occurs during the first 3-6 months after the stroke.
The course of recovery is a predictable phenomenon; it is initially very rapid and then negatively accelerates as a function of time (Skilbeck et al. 1983). Skilbeck et al. (1983) studied 92 stroke survivors with a mean age of 67.5 years (range= 36-89) at final assessment, either 2 or 3 years after stroke. The majority of recovery was reported within the first 6 months, with continued but non-statistically significant recovery after 6 months.
This type of recovery has, until recently, been regarded as largely inaccessible to medical intervention or manipulation.
Functional Recovery
Functional deficits are often referred to as disabilities and are measured in terms of functions such as activities of daily living.
Functional recovery is defined as improvement in mobility and activities of daily living; it has long been known that it is influenced by rehabilitation.
This recovery depends on the patient’s motivation, ability to learn and family supports as well as the quality and intensity of therapy.
Functional recovery is influenced by neurological recovery but is not dependent on it.
That why proper treatment method, intensive rehabilitation is so important to Stroke patient.