
  1. 早期活动及早期接受復建

  2. 建議在專業復健機構接受復健

  3. 每天接受至少3個小時復健訓練

  4. 接受預防跌倒培訓



作為這份指南的主要作者,美國南加州大學生物運動機能學與物理治療學教授Carolee J. Winstein, PhD, PT表示:「過去的指南重點關注於腦中風的初始管理,但許多倖存者都存在某種程度的殘障。有更多的證據表明,復健治療對於倖存者生活品質的影響相當大,我們因此對相關證據進行回顧分析,找出了重要且有效的復健方法」。







1. The high-dose and very early mobilization.

2. Staying inpatient rehabilitation facilities stay for treatment

3. Received >3.0 hours of therapy daily

4. Received fall prevention treatment before discharge


Info attract from Article – Guidelines for Adult Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery

Trends in the Use of Acute and Postacute Stroke Rehabilitation in the United States

Timing and intensity of acute rehabilitation are important issues in poststroke functional outcomes. That is efficacy and safety of very early mobilization within 24 hours of stroke onset, the high-dose, very early mobilization protocol was associated with a reduction in the odds of a favorable outcome at 3 months. Early mobilization after stroke is  recommended in many clinical practice guidelines worldwide.

Whose care included an inpatient rehabilitation facilities stay experienced functional scores at least 8 points higher  on the Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care than those who went to received skilled nursing facilities, home health/outpatient care.

Subjects who received >3.0 hours of therapy daily made significantly more functional gains than those receiving <3.0 hours daily.